Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Elephant Thinks I'm Wonderful

A pastel illustration for my children's book class last year, for a poem by Ken Nesbitt:

"My Elephant Thinks I'm Wonderful"

My elephant thinks I'm wonderful.
My elephant thinks I'm cool.
My elephant hangs around with me
and follows me to school.

My elephant likes the way I look.
He thinks I'm fun and smart.
He thinks I'm kind and generous
and have a terrific heart.

My elephant thinks I'm brave and bold.
He's proud of my strength and guts.
But mostly he likes the way I smell.
My elephant thinks I'm nuts.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

glub glub glub

Some quick sketches made with ballpoint pen while visiting the Baltimore Aquarium.

Fish have such interesting shapes and movements. Though I enjoy drawing all sorts of animals, if I have an afternoon in a zoo or aquarium, I would probably spend most of it in front of the displays of strange and lovely fish!


So I thought I'd start things off by showing a drawing that represents myself in some way, an introduction, if you will. This piece is an oldie-but-goodie... I made this in 2007, for a drawing class when I studied abroad in Florence, Italy. The assignment was to create a self portrait with some sort of animal... and I love whales!

This was made with watercolor pencil on 27.5" x 30" toned paper.