Sunday, October 14, 2012

This is Otterly Elementary, Dear Watson!

I went to visit one of my best friends this weekend, who just moved to a new apartment in New York City! She and I both love the BBC/PBS adaptation of Sherlock, and she is a petite dynamo, so I made this for her as a housewarming gift!
If you are wondering about the reasoning behind why they are these animals, the actor who plays Sherlock Holmes, Benedict Cumberbatch, looks a bit like an otter, and Martin Freeman, who plays John Watson, looks a little like a hedgehog. (And yes, I know that Sherlock hated the deerstalker hat in this series, but the thing is, otters just look really good in hats!)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Hello Mr. Humpback!

Had the day off, so I drew a whale! Hope you are having a nice Labor Day today!

Saturday, August 11, 2012


I now have a Facebook fanpage for my art! You can check it out here!


New drawing! This is what I get when I play around in Photoshop- happy children and stars! :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Happy Birthday

You never forget your first unicorn.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Take Good Care Of It

I drew a sketch of this about a year ago, and it bothered me that I never finished it. So I did! Yay!

Friday, June 29, 2012

To The Lake

This was for part of an early draft of a picturebook script that I wrote. I still have a ways to go to revise the story itself, but I played around with what a finished 2-page spread may look like. Yay!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Tassys!

This year, I was selected as a finalist in the Illustrator's Portfolio category for the Tassy Walden Awards! The Tassy Awards for New Voices in Children's Literature are held by the Shoreline Arts Alliance and are judged by literary agents and children's book industry professionals.

I just got back from the ceremony, and I am still buzzing with joy! Everyone there was so awesome! The people who won and placed in Honorable Mention for writing read excerpts from their manuscripts, and I can't wait to see them in print so I can finish the stories! The winner for Illustrated Children's Book, Lynn Stephens Massey, also presented her beautiful book about the fascinating creatures that live along the Connecticut shoreline. Her book makes me want to learn more about horseshoe crabs! Marcela Staudenmeier won the Illustrator's Portfolio category, and not only is her art absolutely FANTASTIC (especially her collages!), she is one of the sweetest people I've ever met! :)

I've met Marcela before, as well as many of the other winners, presenters (Hi Doe Boyle and Deborah Freedman!), and attendees from the Tassy awards, at the SCBWI groups that I attend. They are such a wonderful group of people- nurturing, supportive and honest as they give great feedback to help everyone's art and writing grow. I love going to the meetings even when I don't have anything specific to show, I learn so much from everyone and they keep me excited and focused on making art through the month!

It was also really special because my mom and aunt were able to come along with me!

OK, so I'll quit gushing now! :) In conclusion: CONGRATULATIONS to the Winners, Honorable Mentions, and Finalists, and YAY FOR CHILDREN'S BOOKS!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Kid Yearbook Studies

I found my old elementary school yearbook in my parents’ basement, so I sketched some of the kids!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Pup Portrait Painting Process

One of my co-workers commissioned me to paint a picture of her sister's dog as a gift. I was happy to make it for her, even more so after I saw the photographs of the pooch! SO FLUFFY!!!

Some sketches:

After we picked out the pose and composition we liked the best, I got to work on it in my little studio area:

And here's the finished painting!

I had a lot of fun making this! If you want a portrait of your pet (not just dogs, I'd be happy to paint a picture of your cat, bunny, gerbil, fish, cow, really, I just love painting animals!) feel free to contact me!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Some More Art!

I have heard that my art website may not work properly in some computers, so I have put some of my art for children here:

I drew these dolphins on porpoise!

This weekend I will be going to the SCBWI Conference in New York City! I am so excited! I just gave my portfolio a bit of a makeover for it, and this is one of my favorite pictures that I just added!

Also, I just recently created my own Twitter account! Follow me if you'd like! @AnnelieseArt